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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Give Me Chocolate!

In the spirit of the Christmas season, I am writing about something many of us enjoy - chocolate! Since dedicating myself to a vegan lifestyle, I have found it a bit more difficult to find affordable chocolate I am willing to eat. I have also noticed my (sugar) cravings have not been as intense since adopting a completely vegan diet, so I don't buy (eat) as much chocolate as I once did. (I highly recommend a vegan lifestyle!) I could write pages on all of this, but my primary reason for writing today is to share a "lesson" I just learned. I have not tested this theory personally, so I cannot state it as something I know to be true from experience. However, I will be sure to try this "trick" if the need ever arises. (Since I follow a healthy diet plan, I rarely get sick.) According to numerous sources, one of which is linked below, chocolate can help quell nighttime coughs. Since (dark) chocolate also has other known benefits, I will continue to imbibe periodically with the hope I never have to test the validity of the "cough theory" myself!  :-)

Here's the link to an article supporting chocolate as a cough "remedy" that is almost as effective as codeine without the nasty side effects!
(Please be advised this is not official medical advice and should not be followed in place of a physician's instructions.)

May the Lord bless you and yours this holiday season, and may your days be cough-free but not chocolate-free! :-)

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Roll With The Punches

Dear Friends,
     This morning, I purposed in my heart to create a new blog in which I intend to share "simple truths for daily living." These messages will be a mix of my thoughts and experiences from day-to-day, but this is not to say I will be posting daily. Life, at this time, is far too busy to allow me that freedom! However, I love to write and look forward to sharing a mix of personal thoughts and lessons life has taught (is teaching) me. :-) At the moment, I am feeling incredibly discouraged though. This is because I was very close to having the first blog post finished (after having spent many hours deliberating over my words), but I inadvertently hit an incorrect key on my computer and deleted everything I'd written. *SIGH* There was no way to salvage my work because Google's "automated-save feature" activated as soon as my words disappeared. *Grrrrr!* One of the reasons I have put off blogging on a regular basis is that I have not been excited about the learning curve that goes along with this activity; it can be quite overwhelming at times. Although I am terribly frustrated at the moment, I see this frustration as part of the learning process and, even more importantly, as a sign from God that I need to continue in my efforts because Satan is trying to stop me, but he's not going to win! LOL It was my intention to share a completely different concept with you in my first post to this account, but those thoughts will have to wait for another day. I've always told my children that one of the keys to successful living is being able to "roll with the punches," and tonight I am reminding myself just how important it really is to be flexible! 

Family Martial Arts Class     
     As I wrap things up for the evening, I am comforted by a much-loved quote - "Finish each day and be done with it.  You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can.  Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense" ~Ralph Waldo Emerson. 
     Tomorrow is another day, indeed. Until then (or until my next post!)... goodnight, Friends.
  God bless...